حدود چهارماه پیش داشتم توی یوتوب یه ویدیو نگاه می کردم که اتفاقی یکی از ویدیوهای سارا جون رو دیدم؛ چهره زیبا؛ لبخند دلفریب؛ موهای قشنگ مشکی و کوتاهش منو کنجکاو کرد که به ویدیوش تا انتها نگاه کنم و بعد یکی یکی تمام ویدیوهاش رو بدون وقفه و با اشتیاق بسیار نگاه کردم؛ من مجذوب حرفهای سارا شدم ؛ تمام صحبتهاش منطقی؛ مختصر و مفید؛ بدون کلمات قلنبه سلنبه؛ راحت و روان؛ خیلی خودمونی و کاملا مسلط و بااعتماد به نفس بسیار بالا بود و من که دنبال مرهمی برای زخمهای کهنه م بودم احساس کردم سارا همون کسیه که دنبالش می گردم... من سرشار از خشم؛ عصبانیت؛ رنجش؛ کینه ؛نفرت و بدون اعتماد به نفس و عزت نفس بودم و دنبال یه راه حل برای آرامش درونی؛ بخشش آدمها؛ رهایی از افکار منفی و ارتباط موثر و همدلانه با آدمها بودم وقتی با سارا جون تماس گرفتم بدون هیچ شک و تردیدی به حل شدن تمام مشکلاتم امیدوار شدم... چهار ماه مداوم با هم کار کردیم... سارا با آگاهی کامل؛ با دانش کافی؛ با صبوریش؛ با دل مهربونش؛ با قلب پاکش برای حل کردن مشکلات من تلاش می کرد و با پیگیریهای مدامش برای حل تمرینها این اطمینان رو بهت می داد که هر وقت مشکلی داشته باشی می تونی با آرامش خاطر با سارا مطرح کنی و ازش مشورت بخوای؛ پابه پای من اشک ریخت؛ حس همدردی رو می تونستم توی چشمهای مهربونش احساس کنم؛ وقتی مریض بودم بارها و بارها احوال پرسی کرد و بهت یادآوری می کرد که براش مهم هستی و در نهایت بعد از چهار ماه؛ من به آرامش درونی رسیدم؛ آدمهای زندگیم رو بخشیدم؛ دست از قضاوت خودم و دیگران برداشتم و سعی می کنم با همدلی به ادمها گوش بدم و با اونها صحبت کنم؛ اعتماد به نفس و عزت نفسم روز به روز بیشتر و بیشتر شد؛ با ترسهام روبرو شدم و اونها رو پشت سرم گذاشتم.... من تمام آرامش درونیم رو مدیون سارای عزیز هستم؛ من به معنای واقعی اعتقاد دارم که وقتی شاگرد آماده باشه استاد پیدا میشه... من مشتاق تغییر بودم و سارای عزیز ؛ استادی که من به دنبالش بودم؛ کسی که نه تنها کوچ موفق و توانمندی هست بلکه به معنای واقعی کلمه انسان دلسوز و مهربونیه که با قلب مهربونش قلب آدمها رو تسخیر می کنه.... ممنون برای بودنت سارای خوش قلب️️
"I’d like to acknowledge Sara for her amazing training. On Aug 18th, we had the honor to have Sara as a guest speaker at our office to speak for 80 people including financial advisors. It was an eye-opening training and a great motivational speech. Every single person left the room inspired with some good points to apply in their life and their business. I appreciate it Sara!"
__ Fahimeh Sarvestani
"Before I started working with Sara, I never thought I could achieve my goal in 3 months but Sara helped me set goals and overcome my fears. She taught me how to be bold! She supported me along the way and held me accountable so my dream of presenting myself as a life coach and having my first workshop came true. Now I am where I’ve always wanted to be and I couldn’t have done it without Sara’s help."
__ Saghar Alavi
"I didn’t feel happy and satisfied in my life before I met Sara. I felt stuck and exhausted in my relationships and career. Sara helped me to see my blind spots and problems and to figure out how I could resolve them and move forward with my life. She is incredibly patient, listen intently, never judges and provides actionable insight and most importantly, she genuinely cares. Now, I’m feeling happy after so many years. I’m feeling empowered enough to build my dream life. I feel lucky to have met her and would strongly recommend her to anyone seeking support or growth."
__ Elham Khani
"Sara supports the spirit, enriches the heart, and enlightens the mind by her gentle guidance techniques! Her innate knowledge and emotional integration work helped me go from recognizing where I was stuck to a place of action. I was able to identify how my feelings of being stuck, overwhelmed, and frustrated were immobilizing me. Through our weekly sessions, she was able to move me along to a place of complete acceptance of my circumstances to a place of clarity where I was ready and able to begin taking action. We were able to create a weekly task list that helped me to stay on track. She helped me to see the importance of diligent self-care and the celebration of my achievements played a vital role in keeping me grounded in my own well-being
and motivation! Sarah has the ability to inspire awareness with her grace and enthusiasm. She is exceptional in blending all aspects of life and could powerfully direct my highest potential to unfold. Sarah truly serves as a bright example for living love, peace, and happiness!"
__ Kat Young
"Before I met Sara, I was stuck in life because of a lot of fears. After working with Sara, her lovely approach helped me to discover my strenghts and taught me the best tools and techniques to overcome my fears and move forward in life. Her passion for helping people break through personal barriers encouraged my efforts to further progress in my life goals. I highly recommend Sara for anyone looking to make that change to a successful new you."
__ Hoornaz Karimpour
"Sara is a truly wonderful coach. She is caring, competent, and genuine. She provides a safe comfortable atmosphere to explore your challenges and triumphs. Honestly, at our first session I was overwhelmed, unclear, and actually crying. After our 6th session my perspective shifted to one of enthusiasm, structure, fun & rewards. I have a feeling of joy and fulfillment and look forward to each day. Everything that happens is for my higher good. Being connected with Sarah was no exception and truly a blessing. I highly recommend her services!"
__ Wendy Orsatt